Shenzhen Xtechnor Tech Co., Ltd.
المنتجات الرئيسيةالعرف النرد مجموعة ، مخصص POS الغطاء الواقي
السائل النواة النرد
حافة حادة النرد
زهرة النرد
المعادن النرد

Annie .
Ella .
Fang .
Nicole-XTN .

To: Our Valuable Customers


Thanks for Choosing us.


There are 2 Different Production Lines with Experienced Workers in our Factory.
1: Custom Made Resin Material Products
2: Custom Made Silicone Material Products


The Main items are:
Resin Dice Sets, Silicone Protective Covers


For the Full Set of Catalogue of the above,

Please Contact Us.